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1. Thoday, J.M. (1942) The effects of ionising radiation on the chromosomes of Tradescantia bracteata. A comparison between neutrons and X-rays. (with a section on neutron dosimetry by Dr D.E. Lea). J.Genet. 43, 189-210

2. Catcheside, D.G., Lea, D.E. & Thoday, J.M. (1946) Types of chromosome structural change induced by the irradiation on Tradescantia microspores. J.Gent. 47, 113-136.

3. Catcheside, D.G., Lea, D.E. & Thoday, J.M. (1946) The production of chromosome structural changes in Tradescantia microspores in relation to dosage, intensity and temperature. J. Genet. 47, 137-149.

4. Thoday, J.M. & Read, J.(1947) Effect of oxygen on the frequency of chromosome aberrations produced by X-rays. Nature 160, 608.

5. Thoday, J.M. (1948) A note on cell division in the Desmid Cosmarium meneghinii. New Phyt. 47, 292-293.

6. Thoday, J.M. (1949) Direct and indirect effects of ionising radiations on chromosomes. Proc. VIII Int. Congr. Genetics, 672-673 (EN.8.9)

7. Thoday, J.M. & Read, J. (1949) Effect of oxygen on the frequency of chromosome aberrations produced by alpha-rays. Nature 163, 135.

8. Thoday, J.M. (1950) Oxygen and chromosome mutation in plants. British Science News 3, 66-69.

9. Thoday, J.M. (1951) The effect of ionising radiations on the broad bean root. Part IX Brit.J.Radiol. 24, 572-576, 622-628.

10. Thoday, J.M. (1952) Units of evolution and units of classification. Proc. Leeds Phil.Soc.VI, 61-64.

11. Thoday, J.M. (1953) Components of fitness. Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol.VII, 96-113 (EOA.31).

12. Thoday, J.M.(1953) Sister-union isolocus breakage in irradiated Vicia faba: the target theory and physiological variation. Heredity 6, suppl.299-309

13. Thoday, J.M. (1953) A Notch-translocation demonstrating non-disjunction of chromosome III in D. melanogaster. D.I.S. 27, 116.

14. Tebb, G. & Thoday, J.M. (1954) Genetic effects of diurnal temperature change in laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. IX Int. Congr. Genetics, 789-791 (EN8.11).

15. Tebb, G. & Thoday, J.M. (1954) Stability of development and relational balance of X-chromosomes in D. melanogaster. Nature, 174, 1109.

16. Thoday, J.M. (1954) Radiation induced chromosome breakage, DNA synthesis and the mitotic cycle in Vicia faba. New Phytol. 53, 511-516.

17. Thoday, J.M. & Boam, T.B. (1954) Selection for increase of sternopleural bristle number. D.I.S. 28, 163.

18. Thoday, J.M. (1955) Balance, heterozygosity and developmental stability. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. XX, 318-326.

19. Thoday, J.M.(1955) Homeostasis in a selection experiment. D.I.S. 29,169-170

20. Lilly, L.J. & Thoday, J.M. (1956) Effects of cyanide on the roots of Vicia faba. Nature 177, 338-339.

21. Tebb, G. & Thoday, J.M. (1956) Reversal of mating preference by crossing strains of D. melanogaster. Nature 177, 707.

22. Thoday, J.M. & Boam, T.B. (1956) A possible effect of the cytoplasm on recombination in D. melanogaster. J. Genet. 54, 456-461.

23. Thoday, J.M. (1956) A line responding to selection in one direction only. D.I.S. 30, 155.

24. Thoday, J.M. (1956) Population genetics. Nature 178, 843-844.

25. Thoday, J.M. (1956) The genetic effects of nuclear radiation. J.Inst.Biol. 3, 74-76.

26. Lees, D., Lawler, D.S., Renwick, J.H. & Thoday, J.M. (1957) Anonychia with Ectrodactyly: Clinical and linkage data. Ann.Human Genet. 22, 69-79.

27. Thoday, J.M. (1957) Effects of disruptive selection. D.I.S. 31, 167-168.

28. Thoday, J.M. (1958) The cytoplasm and quantitative variation in Drosophila. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 148, 352-355.

29. Thoday, J.M. (1958) Inaccuracies of anaphase estimation of radiation-induced chromosome exchange. Nature 181, 932.

30. Thoday, J.M. (1958) Effects of disruptive selection: the experimental production of a polymorphic population. Nature 181, 1124-1125.

31. Thoday, J.M. (1958) Natural selection and biological progress. In: "A Century of Darwin", pp.313-333, S.A. Barnet (ed.), Heinemann (EOJ.8).

32. Thoday, J.M. (1958) Homeostasis in a selection experiment. Heredity 12, 401-415.

33. Thoday, J.M.(1958) Effects of disruptive selection. Proc. XV Int. Congr. Zool. 127-130.

34. Thoday, J.M. (1958) Effects of disruptive selection. Proc. X Int. Congr. Genet. 2, 294 (EN8.12).

35. Thoday, J.M. (1959) Effects of disruptive selection. I. Genetic flexibility. Heredity 13, 187-203.

36. Thoday, J.M. & Boam, T.B. (1959) Effects of disruptive selection. II. Polymorphism and divergence without isolation. Heredity 13, 205-218.

37. Gibson, J.B. & Thoday, J.M. (1959) Recombination lethals in a polymorphic population. Nature 184, 1593-1594.

38. Thoday, J.M. (1960) Effects of disruptive selection. III. Coupling and repulsion. Heredity 14, 35-49.

39. Millicent, E. & Thoday, J.M. (1960) Gene flow and divergence under disruptive selection. Science 131, 1311-1312.

40. Thoday, J.M. & Boam, T.B. (1961) Regular responses to selection. I. Description of responses. Genet. Res. 2, 161-176.

41. Dinsley, M. & Thoday, J.M. (1961) Fitness and artificial selection. Heredity 16, 113-121.

42. Millicent, E. & Thoday, J.M. (1961) Effects of disruptive selection. IV. Gene-flow and divergence. Heredity 16, 199-217.

43. Thoday, J.M. & Boam, T.B. (1961) Effects of disruptive selection. V. Quasi-random mating. Heredity 16, 219-223.

44. Thoday, J.M. (1961) Location of polygenes. Nature 191, 368-370.

45. Thoday, J.M. (1961) Molecular Biology and population structure. Nature 192, 414-416.

46. Thoday, J.M. & Gibson, J.B. (1962) Isolation by disruptive selection. Nature 193, 1164-1166.

47. Gibson, J.B. & Thoday, J.M. (1962) Effects of disruptive selection. VI. A second chromosome polymorphism. Heredity 17, 1-26.

48. Thoday, J.M. (1962) Molecular individuality and population structure. Advancement of Science 19, 45-49.

49. Gibson, J.B. & Thoay, J.M. (1962) An apparent 20 map-unit position effect. Nature 196, 661-662.

50. Thoday, J.M. (1963) Causes and functions of genetic variety. Eugenics Review 54, 195-204.

51. Thoday, J.M. (1963) Crisis for the Universities. Cambridge Review 84, 312-315, Sat.1 March.

52. Gibson, J.B. & Thoday, J.M. (1963) Maternal inheritance of a sterno-pleural chaeta number difference in Drosophila melanogaster. D.I.S.37, 81-82.

53. Thoday, J.M. & Pateman, J.A. (1963) Genetics. Collier's Encyclopedia Yearbook, 262-266.

54. Thoday, J.M. (1963) Problems of implementation. Chairman's contribution to "New Thinking in School Biology", Report of OECD seminar on the reform of biology teaching in secondary schools, 1962, pp.243-248. J.M. Thoday & J.W.L. Beament (eds.) (J.1).

55. Thoday, J.M. (1963) Effects of disruptive selection with negative assortative mating. Genetical Research 4, 318-319.

56. Thoday, J.M. (1963) The organisation of genetics teaching in universities. In: "Teaching Genetics" pp.1-6 (C.D. Darlington & A.D. Bradshaw, eds.) (J.2).

57. Thoday, J.M. (1963) A practical exercise in quantitative genetics. In: "Teaching Genetics" pp.41-43 (C.D. Darlington & A.D. Bradshaw, eds.).

58. Gibson, J. B. & Thoday, J.M. (1963) Isolation by disruptive selection. Proc. XI Int. Congr. Genetics 1, 159-160 (EN8.13).

59. Thoday, J.M. (1963) Locating synthetic lethals. Amer. Nat. 97, 353-356.

60. Thoday, J.M. (1963) Correlation between gene frequency and population size. Amer.Nat. 97, 409-412.

61. Wolstenholme, D.R. & Thoday, J.M. (1963) Effects of disruptive selection. VII. A third chromosome polymorphism. Heredity 18, 413-431.

62. Gibson, J.B. & Thoday, J.M. (1963) Effects of disruptive selection. VIII. Imposed quasi-random mating. Heredity 18, 513-524

63. Thoday, J.M. (1964) Trends of reform in Europe. Proc.1st Inter-American Conf.on Reform of School Biology Teaching, pp.22-31.

64. Gibson, J.B. & Thoday, J.M. (1964) Effects of disruptive selection. IX. Low selection intensity. Heredity 19, 125-130.

65. Thoday, J.M. (1964) Genetics and the integration of reproductive systems. 2nd.Symp.Roy.Soc.Ent.Soc. pp.108-119 (GQ.12).

66. Thoday, J.M., Gibson, J.B. & Spickett, S.G. (1964) Regular responses to selection. II. Recombination and accelerated response. Genetical Research 5, 1-19.

67. Thoday, J.M. & Gibson, J.B. (1964) Balanced combination of polygenes. Nature 201, 736-737.

68. Thoday, J.M. (1964) Trends of reform in Europe. American Biology Teacher 26, 12-18.

69. Thoday, J.M. (1965) Effects of selection for genetic diversity. Proc. XI Int. Cong. Genetics III, 533-540 (EN8.15).

70. Thoday, J.M. & Gibson, J.B. (1964) Balanced combination of polygenes. Nature 203, 103.

71. Thoday, J.M. (1965) Colour blindness. Eug. Rev. 56, 232-233.

72. Thoday, J.M. (1965) Geneticism and environmentalism. In: "Biological Aspects of Social Problems", Meade, J.E. & Parkes, A.S. (eds.) Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. pp.92-106.

73. Thoday, J.M. (1965) Genetics and education. New Society, 6, 13-16.

74. Spickett, S.G. & Thoday, J.M. (1966) Regular responses to selection. III. Interaction between located polygenes. Genet. Res. 7, 96-121.

75. Thoday, J.M. (1966) Mendel's work as an introduction to genetics. Adv. of Sci. 23, 120-124.

76. Thoday, J.M. (1966) Biological education in relation to human affairs. In: "Biology Today, its role in education", L.C. Comber (ed.) pp.141-145 O.E.C.D.

77. Thoday, J.M. (1966) L'education biologique consideree dans ses rapports avec les affaires humaines. French version of "Biology Today" prepared by P. Duvigneaud. pp.129-136 O.E.C.D.

78. Thoday, J.M. (1967) The general importance of disruptive selection. (Comment on Waddington & Robertson's recent paper). Genet. Res. 9, 119-120.

79. Thoday, J.M. (1967) Summing up: uses of genetics in physiological studies. Mems. Soc. End. 15, pp.297-311. (EHH.20).

80. Thoday, J.M. (1967) Genes in the study of continuous variation. Ciencia e Culture 19, 54-63.

81. Thoday, J.M. (1967) Chance and Purpose. A comment on Sir Alister Hardy's Gifford Lectures entitled "The Living Stream" (Collins, 1965) with special reference to lecture VIII "Some Problems for Current Evolution Theory" Theoria to Theory 2, 29-38.

82. Thoday, J.M. (1967) Selection and genetic heterogeneity. In: "Genetic Diversity and Human Behaviour" J.N.Spuhler (ed.) pp.89-98 Aldine, Chicago.

83. Thoday, J.M. (1967) New Insights into Continuous Variation. Proc.3rd Int. Congr. Human Gen. pp.339-350. John Hopkins, Baltimore.

84. Thoday, J.M. (1967) S.G.Spickett. Emmanuel College Magazine 49, 19-21.

85. Thoday, J.M. (1968) Introduction 4th Eug. Soc. Symp. In: "Genetic and Environmental Influences on Behaviour" pp.111-113 eds. J.M. Thoday & A.S. Parkes. Oliver & Boyd.

86. Thoday, J.M. (1969) Limitations to genetic comparison of populations. J.Biosoc.Sci.Suppl.1, 3-14 (reprinted in: "The IQ Controversy" Block & Dwarkin).

87. Batten, J.L. & Thoday, J.M. (196) Identifying recombinational lethals in Drosophila melanogaster. Heredity 24, 445-455.

88. Thoday, J.M. (1969) The problem. Chapter 1 of "Population and Food Supply". J.B. Hutchinson (ed.) Cambridge.

89. Thoday, J.M. & Gibson, J.B. (1970) The probability of isolation by disruptive selection. Amer. Nat. 104, 219-230.

90. Thoday, J.M. et al (1970) The interrelation of genetics and the social sciences. Population Studies Suppl. pp.49-54.

91. Thoday, J.M. & Gibson, J.B. (1970) Environmental and genetic contributions to class difference: A Model Experiment. Science 167, 990-992.

92. Thoday, J.M. (1970) Chairman's Introductory Remarks. Roy.Soc. Discussion on gene action and its control. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 176, 249-250.

93. Thoday, J.M. (1970) Genotype versus population fitness. Can .J. Genet. Cytol. 12, 674-675.

94. Thoday, J.M. & Gibson, J.B. (1971) Reply to Scharloo. Am. Nat. 105, 86-88

95. Thoday, J.M. (1971) Genetic Systems and History: a review of Darlington 'The Evolution of Man & Society'. Heredity 27, 304-306.

96. Thoday, J.M. & Gibson, J.B. (1972) A simple test for stabilising and disruptive selection. Egyptian J.Genet.Cytol. 1, 47-50.

97. Thoday, J.M. (1972) The right to reproduce. Should reproduction be limited and should it be confined to certain persons? Inst. of Biol. Symp. 20: The Future of Man, eds. F. J. Ebling & G.W. Heath. London: Academic Press, pp.77-93.

98. Thoday, J.M. (1972) Apologia for Paul Kammerer. (Review of) The Midwife Toad. Arthur Koestler. Hutchinson, 1971. Heredity 28, 263-265.

99. Thoday, J.M. (1972) Disruptive selection. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 182, 109-143.

100. Thoday, J.M. (1972) Genetics and educability. J. Biol. Educ. 6, 323-329.

101. Thompson, J.N. & Thoday, J.M. (1972) Modification of dominance by selection in the homozygote. Heredity 29, 285-292.

102. Gibson, J.B. & Thoday, J.M. (1973) Effects of disruptive selection. X. Selective migration. Heredity 30, 27-32.

103. Thoday, J.M. (1973) (review of) Educability and group differences by A.R.Jensen, Nature 245, 418-420 (reprinted in "The I.Q. Controversy" Block & Dwarkin)

104. Thoday, J.M. (1973) The origin of genes found in selectedlines. In: International Meeting on Quantitative Inheritance, Polymorphisms, Selection and Environment, Oct.202, 1972. Attidella academia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, Classe di Scienze Fische, Anno 261, Memorie, Serie III, N. 1, 15-26.

105. Thoday, J.M. (1974) General Introduction "Population and the new biology". eds. Benjamin, B., Cox, P.R., Peel,J. Proc.X Annual Symp. Eugenics Soc. Academic Press

106. Thoday, J.M. (1974) Evolution of niche width. Amer. Nat. 108, 959.

107. Thoday, J.M. (1974) Definitions of disruptive selection and of "Interbreeding populations". Heredity 32, 406-409.

108. Thompson, J.N. & Thoday, J.M. (1974) A definition and standard nomenclature for "Polygenic Loci". Heredity 33, 430-437.

109. Thoday, J.M. (1974) Foreword to "The Genetics of Behaviour" J.H.F. van Abeelen, ed. North Holland Research Monographs, Frontiers of Biology, Vol.38.

110. Thoday, J.M. (1975) Non-Darwinian "evolution" and biological progress. Nature 255, 675-677.

111. Thoday, J.M. (1975) Chairman's Introduction to 1975 Racial Variation In Man. J. Ebling, ed. Blackwell, p.63-64.

112. Thompson, J.N. & Thoday, J.M. (1976) Genetic assimilation of part of a mutant phenotype. Genet. Res. 26, 149-162.

113. Thoday, J.M. & Thompson, J.N. (1976) The number of segregating genes implied by continuous variation. Genetica 46, 335-344.

114. Thoday, J.M. (1976) Drosophila and Quantitative Genetics. Plenary lecture at Fifth European Drosophila Research Conference, Louvain-le-Neuve. Abstract in proceedings.

115. Thoday, J.M. (1977) Effects of specific genes. Proc. Int. Conf. on Quantitative Genetics, pp.141-159. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.

116. Thompson, J.N. & Thoday, J.M. (1976) Estimating polygene allele frequencies in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 83, 76.

117. Thompson, J.N. & Thoday, J.M. (1979) (eds.) Quantitative Genetic Variation. Academic Press, pp.xi-305.

118. Thoday, J.M. (1979) Polygene Mapping: Uses and Limitations. In 117. above.

119. Skibinski, D.O.F. & Thoday, J.M. (1979) Disruptive Selection with fixed optima. Heredity 42, 327-336.

120. Thompson, J.N. & Thoday, J.M. (1979) Synthesis: Polygenic variation in perspective. In: 117. above.

121. Thoday, J.M. (1981) Probity and Science: the case of Cyril Burt. Nature 291, 517-518.

122. Coen, E.S., Thoday, J.M. & Dover, G.A. (1982) Rate of turnover of structural variants in the DNA family of Drosophila melanogaster. Nature 295, 564-568.

123. Downes, S. & Thoday, J.M. (1982) Effect of Yeasts on Polymorphisms at Adh locus in Drosophila melanogaster. Heredity 49, 223-236.

124. Thoday, J.M. (1982) Selezione: Enciclopedia Del Novocento : Vol.VI

125. Thoday, J.M. & Thompson, J.N. (1984) Polygene polymorphism affecting wing vein formation in a wild population of Drosophila melanogaster. Heredity 53, 635-642.

126. Mascie-Taylor, C.G.N. & Thoday, J.M. {1986] Effects of Disruptive Selection XI. Heredity 57 407-413

127. Thompson, J.N., Jeung, M & J Thoday, J.M. [1998] Environment-influenced expression of polygene mutations isolated from a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetica 102/103 217-228

128. A Note on Paley's Argument. The Galton Institute Newsletter, Issue Number 61 December 2006 (letter)